Mission & Service Trips

America World Adoption’s orphan care ministry exists as a way to care for orphans around the world. We partner with international orphanages & send out teams of "storytellers" with the goal of providing long-term care to vulnerable children through adoption or ongoing support.

Storytelling isn’t reserved for a few. You can be a voice for orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide simply by engaging in their story, speaking up and telling on. You have the unique opportunity to share life-changing stories within your circle of influence through our orphan care service opportunities. Together we can impact lives and meet tangible needs.

Orphan Care service opportunities are an invitation to respond to the great love that has been shown to us; a chance to be obedient to the challenge put forth in scripture: to care for the orphan.

Are you ready join us and SPEAK for one today?

We have many exciting trips planned for this year! Click the country below to learn more about the orphan care service trip or the mission trip to that area.