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We’ve Done It!

Last month, I presented a specific need in Ethiopia – the need for two vehicles for our in-country staff to use for getting to appointments for international adoption and for developing our Ethiopian domestic adoption program, as well as to make travel to the two transitional homes easier and more expedient.  Today, I'm overjoyed to report that in just a little over a month, America World families have helped us to raise $16,070!

Each vehicle cost $14,753.35.  (16.62 ETB is equivalent to 1 USD.)  With the money that was so generously given, we will be able to fully cover the costs of one of these Abay Executives!  Thank you to all who gave a portion of your income to support the work of America World and ultimately serve the fatherless children in Ethiopia.  It is such a distinct privilege to care for the Lord's children alongside such amazing families!

As soon as our in-country staff is able to purchase the Abay Executive, we will be sure to post pictures so that you can see this donated money in action.

Thank you to all of you who continually support and serve orphans through America World and our Orphan's Ticket Home campaign!

Because of Him,

Jason West, Director of Development


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