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Winding Down 2008

It’s nice to have had a full week at the office.  This week has kept much of the Senior Staff focusing on 2009 and making plans for our future.  I’ve also been continuing partnerships with other orphan-care and adoption ministries including the Joint Council on International Children Services, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute and The Clapham Group.  

I know I’ve blogged about a new website before – progress is still being made and we’re looking forward to finishing in early 2009 so that we can offer more online services to adoptive families and prospective adoptive parents.

The annual office Christmas party is next week.  I’m really looking forward to this – like I do every year.  This is always a fun time of remembrance about the year and gives our staff an opportunity to spend time together over food.

Thanks to the families who’ve sent in Christmas Cards and pictures of your beautiful children!  We’re putting the cards up in our conference room and shall remember your families during our office prayer time every morning.

God Bless You!

– Brian Luwis, CEO


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