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Why Special Needs? (Maggie’s Story)

Let me start at the beginning. My dream of adopting from China goes back many years, but unfortunately, my husband did not feel that this was the plan for our family. We were blessed with four wonderful boys, but my longing for a daughter was so strong and had been ever since I was a little girl. Every time I would see an Asian girl, my heart would melt and I longed to have one of my own. I can't really explain the feeling, but it was as if God was stirring this desire in my heart, but He was saying to wait. I knew without a doubt that God would have to speak to my husband's heart also if it was His will for us to adopt.


Fast forward two years ago and friends of ours adopted a toddler from China. She was two years old at the time and they found her on a waiting child list. She had a very minor need that was correctable with one surgery. So I immediately knew that God had to be bringing this back to me through our friends. My husband just shook his head and would tell me how crazy I was. Wasn't our life full enough with the 4 children we already had?


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