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Colombia Children

Why I Go to Colombia

By Ashley Bruce, America World Mission Team Leader

Bogota, ColombiaThis past year, I had the opportunity to visit a place I’ve come to love. I didn’t go to Bogota, Colombia, once, but three times! Upon arriving home after each trip, I found myself longing to return, and the Lord directed me to go. As the opportunities came, I said yes!

Bogota is the capital of Colombia and sits 8,660 feet above sea level. Gorgeous mountain views can be seen just about anywhere in the city. It’s home to almost 8 million, some of whom are the warmest and most hospitable people I’ve ever had the privilege to meet. Numerous fun restaurants, delicious Colombian foods, and beautiful architecture are nestled throughout the bustling streets of Bogota. Of course, there are also famous Colombian coffees and fresh juice drinks that one cannot fail to mention.

Those are all great and notable things to experience while in Colombia, but they aren’t why I wanted to keep returning. I kept going because I met the most amazing children, many of whom are available for international adoption. They take up space in my heart and remain in my prayers daily. Below are a few that you can find in our Waiting Child Photo Listings.

Colombian Children Waiting for a Family

Leo was sporting a new haircut during my last visit. It went right along with his charming smile and enamoring eyes. He is full of life and energy. He enjoys rice, fish, pizza, and ice cream. He has some challenges and struggles, but I have witnessed him trying his best and making good choices amid hard things. He desperately wants a family.

Nick has always stood out to me as having noble character qualities. I’ve seen him be a kind and gentle leader with his peers. Nick has learned some English and is eager to learn more. This incredible boy likes playing basketball and soccer. He so desires a family of his own.

Craig, Dylan, and Susan are quite the trio. Craig is sweet, tender, and respectful. He loves to dance and sing and seems to never tire from it! Dylan is spunky and a whizz at the Rubik’s cube. Susan is a born leader. The smart and lively little personality that everyone pays attention to! These three are very special and want to grow up together in a home with a mom and dad. They love one another and those around them.

Thomas can be shy but warms up after some time. He is sweet, curious, and fun to play UNO with because he can’t stop smiling during the game! He’s an amazing boy who has overcome some physical challenges and continues to do so. He appears to be doing very well and thriving. Thomas is an absolute joy to spend time with.

These are just a few I have gotten to know. There are many more. They are stunningly beautiful, funny, brilliant, strong, and exuberant. They bear the image of the One who knit them together so lovingly. I want all of them to have a family, but what I desire most is for them to feel and experience God’s love and grace. I want them to know their Heavenly Father and Jesus as their Redeemer.

How You Can Help

If you’d like to help these sweet children find families, here are some things you can do:

PRAY — Join me in praying for the country of Colombia, for the many children in need, and for God to set the lonely in a family.

SHARE — Share this post and the link to America World’s Waiting Children Photo Listings with friends and family.

GO — Go on an orphan care mission trip to Colombia. Our 2025 dates are coming soon! Email for more information.

ADOPT — If you think you might be interested in adopting a child from Colombia, you can pre-apply for free and talk to one of our intake specialists on our Learn About Adoption page. Thousands of children who wait for homes are available for international adoption, many more than we can post in our photo listings. God may have a child for your family in Colombia!

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