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Waiting Wednesday: Meet Wesley

5 year old Wesley is described as cute and playful. He gets along well with others and it is reported that “everyone likes him very much!” He greatly enjoys cuddling with his nannies. Though he is playful and energetic, he also really enjoys quiet times and is described as fairly introverted. His favorite time of the day is when he has a bath, and he is a sound, deep sleeper. Wesley has some developmental delays, and his file has not been updated in the last few years.  We would love the opportunity to get some updates on this adorable little boy and see him thrive with the love of a family!

You can learn more about the process of adopting from China on our China overview page as well as learn about eligibility requirements for a China adoption.

If you are interested in learning more about Wesley or adopting a child from China, please email our China team at or you can reach us by phone at  800-429-3369 for more information.

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