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china waiting child

China Waiting Child “Wes” Aging Out Soon!

Wes is a sweet boy who will age out of the opportunity to be adopted (age 14) in February of 2020. He has 11 months left to find his forever family!

Wes has participated in the Half the Sky Foundation (now currently renamed OneSky) simulated foster family program and is described as an optimistic and confident child. He likes to express himself and will say hello to other children and caretakers. The caretakers love Wes and he is able to put on clothes and brush his teeth without assistance. He can climb in and out of his wheelchair without assistance and transition from his chair to his bed. He has deep relationships with the staff at the institute.

As he was cared for by a foster family, he could be found making his foster mom a card. He works alongside teachers and, unfortunately, due to his limitations physically and with his wheelchair, he was unable to attend a traditional school in China, so he has only been educated at a very limiting level within the orphanage/simulated foster care program.

In the class, he works with teachers, sings and plays games with them. He works well with the teachers, but has seen other countries on TV as well as family life and says that he dreams of taking a bus or plane to see far away places. His caretakers say he longs for normal family life.

Wes suffers from bulging spinal tumors and has no sensation below his spinal incision. His upper limbs are strong and flexible. He can crawl using his upper body as well as support/sit himself using hands/back to prop himself up.

He can do a lot of work from his wheelchair, such as helping the caretaker do some simple housework, folding clothes, removing the sheets, throwing away the trash, etc.

His file is slightly unclear regarding his official diagnosis but indicates his post-operative bulging spinal tumors (spinal meningioma) may have caused his medical issues.

Wes is looking for his forever family to help him reach his fullest potential. Being adopted will allow Wes to attend school, where his wheelchair and lower limb limitations won’t limit his opportunities.

Please take a few minutes to consider how God would have you be a part of helping this precious child, whether that is through praying, advocating, or inquiring to learn more.

You can learn more about the process of adopting from China on our China overview page as well as learn about eligibility requirements for a China adoption.

If you are interested in learning more about Wes or adopting a child from China, please email our China team at or you can reach us by phone at 800-429-3369 for more information.

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