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Welcome Home, Reynolds Family!

Reynolds Family
There are a few families who recently returned home from Ethiopia with their children that we want to welcome home.  This photo is from the Reynolds family and dad, Chad, sent us the following:

“We praise the Lord that we were able to ring in the New Year by bringing Keely Ruth home, after a 4+ year journey.  She is a real joy to us and is doing well thus far in her transition into our family.  We are so grateful to God that the wonderful folks at America World were there to walk us through every step.  We can never say thank you enough to Kelsey, Lauren, Israel, Yonas, Champ, and so many others for all of their loving and patient guidance.  Neither can we express properly our appreciation for Keely Ruth's nannies and other Transition Home care givers who loved her so well during her time with them.  We are also thankful to the Lord that we walked through the court and embassy portions of our journey with the family that traveled with us.  We are blessed to have shared in these final stages with them and will cherish always those memories.”

– Chad Reynolds, America World dad

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