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Webinar- Identifying and Helping Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

America World
Adoption Education Webinar
Identifying and Helping Children with Sensory Processing Disorder
Saturday, February 26th
1 pm to 3 pm (EST)
Speaker – Angie Lynch-Fannon, Occupational Therapist

Live Webinar
$35 per person or couple – Register online at

Children adopted from orphanages overseas are at a high risk for sensory processing issues.  Many parents do not recognize the symptoms until the school-age child reveals delays in the classroom.  This lecture will help parents recognize the early signs of sensory processing disorder, and provide resources and strategies for nurturing a child with sensory processing issues.

All you need is a telephone and access to the internet to participate from the comfort of your own home.   More instructions will follow after your registration is received.   Local families are encouraged to join us in person at the McLean, VA office for this training.  Please direct any questions to

*Proceeds from this workshop will be donated to help fund a group of therapists visiting our transition home in Ethiopia this summer (For more details on this non-profit organization and their trip, please go to 


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