We call him “Wonderful Wesson”
Wesson is a precious little boy that our One Orphan team members met in October 2016. Wesson continues to wait for a family. His file is designated as Special Focus so a family at any stage of the adoption process or those just considering adoption may be eligible to review his file. There is a $5,600 Adoption Subsidy available for his adoption. Here is a wonderful write up from a team member who spent time with Wesson.
Wonderful Wesson:
This little boy, with his shy smile and sweet spirit, stole my heart. We became buddies on our shopping trip to “Walmart” in China this past October. It was quite a scene as we rolled up in our five buses and rolled out with a gazillion Chinese nannies, kids, wheelchairs, strollers and our Storyteller team in tow! Our mission was to spend time with the kids and take them shopping! My buddy was sweet Wesson, so I grab his wheelchair and off we went. No matter that he spoke no English, and I, no Chinese. Hand motions worked perfectly. We had a glorious time going down each aisle, picking out stickers and chips and candy and cookies and a blue drink to wash it all down with! We ventured upstairs, where we stumbled upon a play area with moon sand, magnet activities, and best of all, an iPad with games! We went from activity to activity, but when I tried to move us on from the iPad, I thought Wesson’s wheelchair was stuck until I realized Wesson had a death grip on the table! He wasn’t quite ready to move on from the iPad, so I gladly hung out with him there, enjoying his excitement and laughter as he played. As I sat there watching him, I didn’t see an orphan boy in a wheelchair, but a little boy who was just like my boys at home. Just a regular boy who loved playing video games.
During our assessment time, we learned that although Wesson has cerebral palsy and used a wheelchair during camp, he is able to walk with a walker according to his nannies. He was able to transfer himself from floor to wheelchair and wheelchair to floor independently. He has great self-care skills and enjoys being as independent as possible. He is very social and interactive, and although he seemed a bit shy with us, we observed him laughing and talking with his friends. He was able to string beads and draw shapes. He seemed very eager to please, and it was a delight to spend time with him.
As our week at camp came to a close and it was time say our goodbyes, the nannies began collecting each child’s lanyard name tag. Before his nanny collected his, Wesson waved to me, and I went over to him. He took off his name tag, carefully inserted his picture in the lanyard pocket and handed it to me. Through an interpreter, he said he wanted me to have it and asked me to please not forget him. This boy, who has been waiting so long, who has watched his friends be chosen for adoption but been passed over himself, pleaded with me not to forget him. It was almost more than my heart could take.
Sweet, beautiful Wesson, your name tag is in my Bible, and I pray for you often, that God would set you in a family soon and that you would never feel forgotten again.
Would you cry out with me for Wesson? I believe God will hear us and move on behalf of this precious boy who wants a family so badly. Wesson is a treasure and would be such a blessing to any family.
If you are interested in learning more about Wesson please contact our China staff at china@awaa.org.
You can also read more about the China waiting program here.
This file is special focus and can be pursued by a family at any stage of the process.
“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, this is God, whose dwelling is holy.
God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.”
Ps 68:5-6