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Waiting Children Program: May 2009 Updates

Referral News
Congratulations to the 23 families who have accepted referrals in April and the beginning of May! We are so excited for these families as they prepare to bring their children home. Referrals were boys and girls ranging in ages and types of special needs. These were shared and agency specific referrals.

Program staff continue to send out referral announcements (emails with brief information on referrals available for adoption) to Waiting Children Program (WC) families as often as possible. We have been encouraged that many families have moved forward with adoptions of these children. WC families should continue to check their emails on a regular basis as these announcements can come at any time during the business week.

New Applications
All families currently in the WC program who have not yet completed the new application have been notified by their Family Coordinator of the deadline to complete the new application. Additionally, any China Program family is encouraged to apply to the WC program at any time during their process. You can request an application form your Family Coordinator or apply online.

Monthly Prayer Focus
We ask for your prayers for Gareth. He attend  America World’s Hope Journey summer camp in July 2007 where staff interacted with him. He has confirmed with our staff and the orphanage that he would like to be adopted into a family. Gareth is a friendly is 11 ½ year old boy who enjoys  singing. He is respectful of teachers and is good at  sharing and helping others.  Gareth is Hepatitis B positive and has repaired hypospadius. Gareth is active and  enjoys playing games.

In addition to receiving the CCAA referral, families who review and/or accept his referral could view the summer camp assessment provided by America World staff who met Gareth. Gareth is the name given to protect his identity as he is listed on our password protected website. To view his photos and brief biography or to learn more about his referral, families can email Any current, past or prospective family is welcome to inquire. The referral review process allows a family to review a referral with a medical professional prior to making an adoption decision. We appreciate your prayers for Gareth and his forever family!


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