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hiv positive adoption

South Asia Waiting Child: 8-Year-Old, “Miles”

“Miles” is a handsome 8-year-old boy who is being treated for HIV. He also has a repaired cleft lip and burn scars on his body and face from an accident that occurred prior to being admitted to the orphanage. Due to the burn, his right arm is deformed.

Though Miles has gone through so much in such a short amount of time, he is doing incredibly well! He is enrolled in school and his intelligence is normal. He is able to read and write and loves to sing and dance! He participates well in different school activities.

The staff speaks very highly of Miles in his paperwork. His attitude towards other children is described as good and friendly. He likes to play with his friends. Towards staff and other adults, he is described as being friendly and polite. Overall, he is well-behaved, has a positive level of activity and is happy and content.

Please pray that God would provide a family for Miles! Miles is a shared referral.

If you are interested in more information, please contact your Family Coordinator or email

America World regularly advocates for children who are HIV positive and need families. America World Medical Consultant, Patrick Van Winkle, has addressed the topic of adopting a child with HIV and shares the facts on our HIV Adoption page. Please take a moment to read the facts about HIV adoption and consider making one of these precious children a part of your family.

If you are interested in learning more about Miles or any child from India, please email our India team at or by phone 800-429-3369 for more information.

You can also learn more about adopting from India on our India overview page, and the India adoption requirements page. There are many resources to assist families with the cost of adoption. You can find a list of grant organizations, information on the adoption tax credit and more on our Financing Adoption page.

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