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Urgent Waiting Child- "Samuel" Needs a Family!

Urgent Waiting Child- “Samuel” Needs a Family!

America World’s India program would like to introduce you to “Samuel.”

“Samuel” is almost 10 months old and is waiting in India for his forever family. With big brown eyes and sweet little features, “Samuel” is active and responsive, he laughs and babbles, crawls, stands and walks with support. He will occasionally throw a tantrum if his favorite toy is snatched or he is not carried when he would like to be!  

“Samuel” was also born with a complex congenital heart defect and bilateral moderate hearing loss. It is suggested that his hearing is repeated soon to verify results, and he is currently on medication for his heart. “Samuel” needs a family open to the unknowns and surgical intervention that come with a complex congenital heart defect. 

“Samuel” is in a region in which we expect his case would move quickly, but first he needs a family to come forward for his adoption. Could this be your family? 

Please pray for “Samuel” today and share his story. 

This is a shared referral, for more information email

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