Update from the CEO
It’s good to be back in the office after being away from the office on travel. It’s nice to be back, but never fun to be catching up on email, phone messages, etc.
Throughout this past week 9 families accepted China waiting children referrals; congratulations to those families! Additionally there are also quite a few families reviewing America World assigned referrals that were received with the group last week. Our prayers are with them as they discern God’s plan for their family and our prayers are also with those who are still waiting for a referral in the program. There continues to be short wait time for a referral for a girl and boy (any age) with unrepaired conditions and children with repaired conditions over the age of 4 years. We are encouraged by God’s work in uniting families with their children through this program.
We’ve had a lot of Ethiopia families pass court this week and we’re praying for those families with appointments next week as well. We want as many families as possible to pass court before the court shuts down for a number of weeks. We are pleased with the progress we’ve seen thus far and we’re especially pleased that more families are considering children from our Ethiopia Waiting Child program.
Both our China & Ethiopia Waiting Child programs have been great ways for many families to grow. My wife, Renee, and I adopted from China’s Waiting Child program and because of this, we’re blessed each and every day with our son. If you’re like me, and have lots of questions about how this process works, please feel free to call or email our office.
– Brian Luwis, CEO