Upcoming Webinar from CASE
Next Thursday, June 9th, the Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE) is holding a webinar titled, “Going the Extra Mile: Launching Adopted Teens with Special Needs” with the following description:
When you are parenting teens with complex mental health and emotional, social and/or learning challenges, the transition to adulthood/independence can often be compromised. It may take a lot longer than you ever expected, with many starts and stops along the way. A panel of experienced adoptive parents, moderated by C.A.S.E. CEO, Debbie Riley, will discuss what they have learned about effective parenting strategies, self-preservation coping skills and ways to access resources for support. Participants will have the opportunity to address their questions and concerns during this interactive presentation.
This webinar is free to the first 100 registrants, so act quickly! Please see CASE's website for more information and to register.