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The Kraft’s Adoption Story

We are the Kraft family and have been forever changed by the gift of adoption.  We have 2 biological children, Jordan age 12 and Emma who is almost 10.  Like so many other families we were confident that our family was complete, so much so that we took measures to ensure that we would have no more biological children shortly after Emma was born.  I loved my 2 babies but did not want to relive those early years.


In the summer of 2006 our family attended a Young Life family camp in Colorado where we met a lovely family who had 4 children of their own and had just brought home 2 older boys from Africa.  My husband and I were just drawn to this family.  The boys had not been home very long and we could not believe how well adjusted they were.  We had never even considered older adoption before but by the end of the week we both realized God was stirring something in our hearts.  I am usually very impulsive; I struggle to wait on God’s timing.  This time, I decided to pray about it, to put aside my desire to research any form of adoption on the Internet and to just wait to hear from God.



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