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The Journey to Makaila


Our journey started out like so many others. We had a desire to adopt. The Lord led us to America World. The stories at the seminar touched us so deeply, that we decided to move forward with an adoption from China. In May of 2006 we started our paperwork for a healthy little girl, age 6-12 months. This would be our first child and we wanted so much to experience all the firsts. Little did we know that God had something else in store for us? As the wait grew longer our hearts grew heavier. We watched as each month went by another month was added to the already long wait. We began praying for guidance, asking God what he wanted us to do. After several months of praying and research, we decided to change over from a “Healthy†referral to a “Waiting Child†referral. I have to admit that we didn’t really seek guidance from God on what special needs to be open to. It was also hard for us to go from an age of 6-12 months to 6-24 months, but we trusted that this was what we were so suppose to do, so in October of 2007 we moved forward and applied for the “Waiting Child†program. Vision impairment or total vision lost was not one of our choices for the special needs we thought we could handle.


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