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Thankful: Share What You Are Thankful For…

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, all of us here at America World want to express our deep gratitude to all of you who have supported this ministry over the years. Whether you’ve adopted, hosted, or supported America World financially, thank you for your heart for God’s children! Please take a few minutes to watch this special Thanksgiving message from our founders, Brian and Renee Luwis:

Over the last twenty years, America World has been blessed to help build over 4,000 families according to God’s beautiful design of adoption. One of our goals over the holidays is to reconnect with as many of you as possible. During the week of Thanksgiving, we would love to see a video of your family telling us what you’re thankful for and updating us on how your family is doing. Just film a short video and post it on our Facebook wall. We will be sharing videos throughout the week, so be on the lookout for yours!

 We also wanted to let you know we will be reaching out to you during the weeks leading up to the end of the year. While we are so thankful for the number of families God has allowed us to help build, it’s sometimes easy to lose touch over the years. Our goal is to reconnect with your family and update you on some exciting things that God is doing through the ministry of America World. Both current and former members of the America World family will be coming together for an mini-reunion and phone-a-thon, so you may be hearing from the Family Coordinator who once gave you the news that your family had been matched with your child!

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