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Thank you for stepping into the lives of children around the world!

Today, on this last day of June, we are thrilled to announce the results of our Renew Hope initiative. Renew Hope was an invitation for all of you, America World families and partners, to step into the lives of children worldwide during a time when resources for those most at-risk were threatened. Together we have reached the end of the campaign and surpassed the goal! Every dollar given during this time was matched! This means that at-risk children and teens will continue to receive life-saving care, families will continue to receive post-adoption support, programs will continue to advocate for waiting children and the mission of America World will continue to be fulfilled because of your sacrificial generosity. 

In Isaiah 43:19 God reminds us “…I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

He will make a way where there seems to be no way. In the toughest of situations, this is God’s specialty. And aren’t you thankful He uses YOU to be part of the solution?

Thank you for saying yes to children, thank you for joining us in being FOR children.


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