Adoption Video: India Family Testimony

America World mom, Angie Hough, met up with America World at the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit (CAFO) in Louisville,…

Welcome Home from India, Adams Family!

The America World India team would like to welcome the Adams family home with their son, Isaiah! After months upon…

Welcome Home from India, Virtue Family!

The Virtue family recently returned home from India with their adorable daughter. Join the America World team in welcoming them…

Welcome Home from India, Burke Family!

Just recently, the Burke family returned home from India with their beautiful daughter—just in time to celebrate Easter together! Join…

India Adoption: 10-Year-Old “Leo” Needs a Family

Leo is a super handsome little boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes who just celebrated his 10th birthday!…

Welcome Home from India, Flatland Family!

Please join us in welcoming home the Flatland family who recently returned from India with their son!  Congratulations to everyone!…

India Waiting Child Adoption: “Sampson”

Meet Sampson, an adorable little 19-month-old boy! The orphanage staff notes and we agree—he is a good looking child! He…

South Asia Waiting Child: 8-Year-Old, “Miles”

“Miles” is a handsome 8-year-old boy who is being treated for HIV. He also has a repaired cleft lip and…

South Asia Waiting Child: Meet “Gavin”

“Gavin” is a 7-year-old boy whose smile and dimple will melt your heart! He is HIV+ and was treated in…

South Asia Waiting Child: Meet “Carter”

“Carter” is a handsome 8-year-old boy who is HIV+. While there is not much information in his medical paperwork, it…