Today we want to say thank you, again, to every person and family that has said yes to stepping out…
Our mission teams are currently on hold as we wait for the COVID-19 pandemic to settle and international travel to…
The generous partnership of countless individuals and families has now made an entire year of direct impact in the lives…
In June of this year, two Washington state girls wanted to make a difference. They decided to set up a…
It’s a surreal thing to be here in Ethiopia this month. I’m blessed to represent America World missions on-site for…
Two Washington state girls wanted to make a difference. They decided to set up a lemonade stand to raise money…
Images of their beautiful faces flash through my mind a hundred times a day. My team was forced to leave…
I woke early this morning before anyone else and started my normal routine. After brewing my first cup of coffee…
The most amazing thing happened to me about a month ago. Chocolate brown faces with bright smiles and humble hearts…