Grace is turning 9 years old this week! She works hard to communicate and care for herself and others and…
We are celebrating with the Hildebrand family as they are currently in China adopting their adorable son! The Hildebrand family…
Greatest Need? A Family Last month, we introduced you to “Autumn” and “Robert”. They are two waiting children in China…
Home From China This Week These America World families get to celebrate Thanksgiving 2018 with new additions to their families! …
October is nationally recognized as Down Syndrome Awareness Month, so today we would like to take a moment to highlight…
At America World Adoption, we love seeing families united with their children and hearing their stories. We eagerly watch with…
You may remember, Tyler, whose Down syndrome adoption story appeared on our blog several months ago. Tyler is a sweet…
As staff at America World, we love celebrating milestones with each family on their adoption journey. Completing a home study,…