Want to Adopt? Meet 12-Year-Old, “Bryce”

Meet Bryce, a sweet extroverted 12-year-old boy with a great big smile! He is attached to his caregivers and likes…

Waiting Children Update 5-2-19

Just a quick reminder that there are several children still waiting for their forever families, who we have advocated for…

China Waiting Child: “Collins”

  We introduced you to “Collins” on March 26th and we continue to advocate for this little guy who needs…

China Waiting Child: Advocating for “Tara”

You may remember a post we shared here in March when we introduced a 12 ½-year-old girl who we call…

China Waiting Child: “Drew” Needs Your Help

Drew is a little boy with a big smile as evidenced in these videos and photos. He currently attends school…

China Waiting Child: Help Advocate for “Collins”

Collins is an “active” and” lovely” little boy as described by his nannies.  He is in a foster care program…

Hildebrand Family in China!

We are celebrating with the Hildebrand family as they are currently in China adopting their adorable son! The Hildebrand family…

Families Needed for China Waiting Children

Over the past year or two, there have been many changes in China adoption. Orphanage partnerships have changed, fewer children…

China Waiting Child: Meet Sweet Little “Sophia”

Sophia is 2½ years old and is described as quiet, cute, and a little shy. She plays together with her…

Welcome Home, China Families! 1/30/19

After months of paperwork, waiting, praying & planning, these America World families are preparing to return home with their children…