Abby is 2 years old and described as a shy, quiet little girl with a sweet smile. Due to congenital…
Aida is a sweet 3 ½-year-old girl whose Chinese name means “active and strong.” You may remember a previous advocacy…
We’d like to share a unique opportunity that America World has to serve Waiting Children in China. America World cares…
You may remember a recent blog post we shared here for a little girl we call “Grace,” who is currently…
We believe that each child’s life is precious and worthy of every effort to see him or her placed in…
Emily is a quiet, gentle little girl who loves to smile! Though her cerebral palsy has posed developmental challenges for…
Jack is a 2 ½-year-old little boy who likes to spend time in the activity room, playing music with the…
Faith is described as a quiet, active little girl who loves playing games and playing with other babies near her. …
It is both humbling and exciting to see a child who was previously an orphan, now advocating for his friend…
Noah was abandoned at 1 month old and is described as an active, cheerful little boy with a ready smile…