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Storyteller Mission Team in China: A Visit to the Park & Meeting Curtis

SM Park Trip
We are excited about all that our China Storyteller Mission team has been doing in Guangdong this week.  In addition to assessing children, they have had the privilege of taking some of the children on a field trip to a local walking trail & park (photo above). For some, this is their only chance to get out of the four walls of their orphanage as they often may not leave the orphanage but once or twice a year, due to limited staff who do not have the ability to take large groups of children outside. The team feels privileged to play a small part in their lives this week. 

In addition to their trip to the park, the team recently met Curtis this week and wanted to share with you about this sweet little boy:

Curtis 3a
Curtis is a lovable little boy who just turned three.  He wanted to be held and loved, and would cry when our team members put him down.  He can not stand, but can scoot to get around.  He can sit by himself.  He loved to laugh with our team members. He has Down Syndrome and would be a wonderful son. Curtis and other children just like him are in need of a forever family to help them thrive!

Curtis 1a
If you would like to learn more about Curtis, other children who we are currently advocating for, or more about new files on the way, please email us at You can also see children who are in need of a forever family by clicking HERE. We’d love to help you make one of these children a part of your family!


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