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Down Syndrome Adoption

Special Needs Adoption Isn’t SCARY!

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

All month, we have been posting about some of our cute children with Down syndrome (DS) on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We know not everyone is on social media, so we also wanted to share their stories here!

But first, what is Down syndrome?

It is a condition that “occurs when an individual has a full or partial copy of the 21st chromosome. A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm – although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees, or not at all” (

Many people don’t realize that people with Down syndrome attend school, work, have meaningful relationships, and contribute to society in wonderful ways. So, let’s take a look at what life with a child with Down syndrome looks like for some of our families.


Noelle - Down Syndrome China AdoptionMatt and April Dean adopted Noelle through our China program in January 2012, and she recently celebrated her 14th birthday.

Matt Dean says, “She loves to sing and laugh and dance. She is a sweet big sister, and her favorite food still is rice.”


Hope - Down Syndrome Adoption ChinaThe Moyolt family adopted Hope through our China program in 2019. And they had specifically requested a child with DS.

Cathy Moyolt says, “Once we got the password to view the files, I saw her right away. I had seen this child in my head since I was about 16 years old. I then left the computer up and left the room. I asked my husband to look, and we picked the same child!

“She came to the U.S. five days before her 4th birthday! She is now in second grade in school. She loves to help everyone. And she gives the best hugs ever! She just has so much love to give.

“She is the youngest of our five children. She loves swimming, playing at parks, and going shopping with mommy!

“Every day, Hope dresses up as a princess. Her love of Disney matches ours — we have taken her there once. She asks to go back ALL THE TIME! We can’t imagine life without her!”


Simha - India Down Syndrome AdoptionSimha came home from India in February 2019, and the Adkinson family has been so blessed to have this little buddy with DS join their family.

Sarah Adkinson reports, “Simha is a mama’s boy and daddy’s best buddy. His favorite pastime is playing with his German Shepherd, Harlie.

“Simha likes to eat grape jelly on everything, enjoys watching dog grooming videos on YouTube with dad, and loves to help in the kitchen.

“He rocks his extra chromosome and announces his presence enthusiastically wherever he goes!”


Bowen - Adopt Down Syndrome ChildrenThe Harvey family adopted Bowen from China in 2018 when he was six.

Angie Harvey says, “Bowen loves his family and especially his dog, Bella. He is one of five children. He is now in the fifth grade and thriving. He enjoys using the everyday living skills he’s learned at school to help out around the house.

“He loves all things Disney, with Moana being his favorite. He also loves music, singing, and dancing. One of his favorite foods is ‘Donald’s chicken eggs and french fries.’

“Bowen is a blessing to our family. He brings smiles, laughter, and joy into our lives every single day. We cannot imagine life without our Bo Qi!”

Children with Down Syndrome Waiting for Adoption

Children with Down syndrome often wait longer for families than children with other needs.

Currently, 20 children with DS are waiting for their families in our India program. They are ages 1-16, both boys and girls, with five under the age of 4.

In the Colombia program, which is coming soon, ten children with DS await their families.

We don’t have DS numbers for our other programs, but we PRAISE GOD because we have one family in our Ecuador program that is specifically seeking to be matched with a child with DS.

What about you? Could your family provide the love and care to allow one of these children to thrive? If so, pre-apply for free today. Our intake department will use the information you provide to advise you whether Down syndrome adoption is right for your family. Or schedule an appointment with our intake department to learn more!

“And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

Matthew 18:5


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