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Sisters in Need of a Family!

Brittany sm Clara sm










Brittany (left) and Clara (right) are sisters from one of our orphanage partnerships in China that are waiting for a family! They are 11 and 13 year old, healthy girls. It’s urgent that they be adopted soon so a family can be in China to get them before Clara turns 14 in September of this year. Once she turns 14, she will no longer be able to be adopted according to Chinese law

Brittany and Clara are beautiful girls who are bright and active. They attend boarding school during the week and stay with a foster family on the weekends. 

Brittany and Clara’s files are designated as Special Focus by the CCCWA. This means that they can be adopted by a family at any stage of the process. A family that is interested in pursuing these sisters would need to be approved for two children and for the appropriate ages in their home study and Immigration approval. You can view more information about these sisters and other children waiting for a family on our Waiting Child website here: Waiting Child Profiles. If you are interested in reviewing Brittany and Clara’s files, you can contact our China staff at Please join us in praying that a family would come forward for these girls soon and feel free to share their photo and advocate with us.

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