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Sensory Questions? Check out The Spiral Foundation

Resource Spotlight
brought to you by
Adoption Coaching & Training (ACT)
a ministry of America World Adoption
 “….a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12


Children with a history of institutionalization or trauma often have sensory issues, such as discomfort with certain textures or noises, lack of awareness of their body, and/or an overactive avoidance or seeking of sensory input.  Challenges in these areas are often on a scale from really difficult to just minor annoyances.  Children can often learn to calm and manage their reactions to sensory stimulation through the specific exercises often prescribed by Occupational Therapists after an assessment.  

If you think your child may be struggling with sensory issues, a great place to find information is The Spiral Foundation.  The Sensory Processing Institute of Research and Learning – or SPIRAL – Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is “to conduct research and provide professional and community education about sensory integration and sensory processing dysfunction.”  

Furthermore, Occupational therapists can often be found in your local community through the schools, agencies, and in private practice.  America World is pleased to have Dr. Angie Lynch Fannon, Occupational Therapist, available to help families with sensory assessments and coaching as well through our ACT program.  If you have questions or need help in this area, email, or call 800-429-3369, for more information.  

ACT (Adoption Coaching and Training) is a ministry of America World Adoption designed to support families through training, support groups, and individualized coaching.  Explore ACT services on our website here, and reach out to us today for a free consultation to make a plan to meet your needs.

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