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Seminar Spotlight

The questions that can go through your mind at the prospect of adopting can be daunting. The whole process and experience looks very overwhelming when standing at the “start” line. Because of the complexities of adoption and the challenges people face when considering it, America World offers free informational seminars across the country.  

Several weeks ago, an Adopted by Design Seminar was held in Hillsboro, Ohio. Jennifer Gampp, adoptive mom, is one of many previous AW adopters who now take time to host and lead seminars so that prospective parents can find answers for many of the questions that are commonly associated with adoption.

Jennifer's hope in leading seminars is that families who come feeling unsure about adoption will leave knowing that God will make it clear which direction to take. One of the most common things families struggle with is which country to adopt from, or the decision between international and domestic adoption. She says, “There are orphans all over the entire world and they ALL need families.  I believe we need to just pick one and move forward with the adoption process.  If God does not want a particular family to go in a certain direction, He will make it known.  The key is knowing His voice and following it.”

Have you felt a pull towards adoption, but aren't sure where to start? A seminar would be a great first step! Not only will you learn about the process and requirements to adopt, but you will be moved by the real message behind adoption- to care for the fatherless in the same way our loving God cares for us.

To find a seminar nearest you, please view this list: 

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