San Salvador – May 29th, 2009
Dear families:
I am hopping this email finds you well, I am sure you all know I have been requesting you to pray for the new government, and I have also received email asking me, how the new government is doing? And I honesty didn’t have an answer because until this next Monday, June 1, the new government is taking place, so we are going to have a new President next week but with him also all the Ministers, Procurador and possibly the Director of OPA so all our answers will become known in the next few months. Many of us are afraid to changes, because we do not know if they are for good or for worse, but as a Christian, all the things in the future are always for good because we know God is in control. So please pray for wisdom for the new government and for us.
There are many plans and projects in the table looking forward to help the orphans, so I am trusting God will open the doors to make things happen.
I want you to know that I pray to our good God to bless you too…have a nice weekend.
Alexis Castro