San Salvador: June 12th, 2009
Dear Families:
I salute you, and hope this letter finds you well. I am sorry I didn’t write before but nothing much is happening right now. My boss asked me about what the position of the new President is on adoptions from El Salvador. My answer was: we don’t know anything yet. We have to wait for the new Procurador, who is the person in charge of the adoptions. And this change is going to be in July. MARCOS SANCHEZ is the Procurador right now and he is looking to stay in his position for three years more. So whether he stays or someone else comes, lets pray to the Lord for the best person in that position; with a heart for the adoptions and sensitivity for the orphan kids. I believe you have done your part in the adoption process so lets leave it to God to do His. You have to remember that neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
God Bless,