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Russia Program Updates – New Bilateral Adoption Agreement

Today Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov signed an inter-country adoption agreement  in an official ceremony.  Please click here to view a list of FAQ’s regarding the Bilateral Adoption Agreement with Russia.

This agreement will not directly affect our families who are currently in an adoption process with Russia (as stated in the FAQ’s). New families will be effected in three ways:

1. Independent adoptions (adoptions not completed through an authorized adoption agency) will be prohibited except in the case of relative adoptions.

2. Families will be required to undergo more training to prepare them for the placement of children in the home

3. Families will be required to submit their I-600 form prior to the second and final trip to Russia in which the adoption process is finalized.  

As more details unfold we will be sharing that information with our clients. We anticipate that this agreement will serve to strengthen the adoption process in Russia and will provide more safeguards for the children being adopted. We look at this agreement as positive one for both the orphans and prospective adoptive parents.

If you have questions please contact our agency and ask to speak with an Russia Family Coordinator.  


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