Rob Mitchell and the Castaway Kid
“Castaway Kid” is a true story of a homeless and hopeless boy who grows up to be a man who finds, not only the home and hope that he had been searching for, but more than he could have ever asked or imagined, in Jesus Christ. The author, Rob Mitchell vividly paints the picture of his life experiences as an orphaned child and how he overcame the feelings of rejection and ultimately learned to forgive. This book will rivet you from start to finish. We highly encourage anyone to pick up a copy of this book and give it a read. You will not be disappointed.
We are also very honored that Rob Mitchell will also be a guest speaker at our Orphan's Ticket Home's Orlando, FL Gala on October 30th of this year. For more information on our Orphan's Ticket Home campaign or other galas planned in your area, you can visit our Orphan's Ticket Home website at:
For more information about Rob Mitchell and his book, “Castaway Kid,” you may visit the website: