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adult adoptee

Resource Spotlight: Adult Adoptee Support Group

We often think of adoption as an event, but it also has lifelong effects on our relationships and identity—especially for the adult adoptee.

As adopted children grow through their teen years and into adulthood, passing through significant events and milestones, the losses and differences associated with their adoption often become meaningful in different ways. New thoughts and feelings about adoption emerge and sometimes require new healing to the adult adoptee.

America World desires to stand by those who were once adopted and who are now grown (or growing) into adulthood.

The adult adoptee out there who would like to participate in a support group for adults who were adopted as children, we would love to hear from you. Our tentative plan is to offer a 6-session group led by one of our adoption competent ACT Coaches.

The timing and scheduling of this group can hopefully be structured to meet the needs of the interested participants, and the cost would be $150.

If you are interested or have questions, please email for more information. We would love to hear from you!

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