Referrals Have Arrived Early!
Due to the upcoming closures at the CCAA for Chinese New Year, our February referrals have arrived a little early! We are excited to announce that we received 8 healthy female referrals today! Families receiving referrals were logged into the China Center of Adoption Affairs on March 1, 2006. (group 250). We also received a referral for a family who was expedited due to Chinese heritage.
These little girls are currently located in the Jiangxi Province and range in age from 12-16 months old. Please join us in congratulating these families, and in praying for them as they prepare to travel.
At this time, the CCAA has not yet posted the referral cut off date on their website, so once that is confirmed by the CCAA, we will post a comprehensive update on the referral cut off date, dossier review status, the current wait time report (as well as approximate estimates for Chinese expedite families) and America World’s next groups to receive upcoming referrals. Please be watching for this important information!