Purposeful & Simple
The Bible references orphans and adoption over 52 times because of its importance to the Father. Nearly half of these verses describe God's heart for this specific group of children. The other half pertain to Christians' call to protect, give justice to and provide for “the least of these.”
There are a plethora of ways that each Christian can be involved in caring for the Lord’s children. Whether that’s walking through the adoption process or hosting a visiting child for a period of time or taking a child into your home through the Foster Care system or serving at an orphanage on short term missions trips, each area is both valuable and necessary in order to fulfill God’s command to look after orphans.
Over the past year, America World staff members have worked hard on strategically rethinking the way that we proactively care to orphans around the globe. As an agency, we want to be continually testing and reexamining the way that we pursue orphan care so that we are being as wise as possible with all of the resources that God has graciously entrusted us with. As a result, we have come up with a new structure for our orphan care ventures that is both purposeful and simple.
We invite you to get involved in one of our efforts to care for the Lord’s children. We have restructured these orphan care initiatives – moving away from the idea of a limited, short-term campaign and instead transforming our work into two main, continuous and growing funds – the Isaiah 1:17 Fund and the Orphan’s Ticket Home Fund. Each is uniquely designed to provide support and practical care to orphaned children and the families seeking to bring them home.
As in the past, all donated monies go directly toward taking up the cause of orphans around the globe – nothing goes toward America World’s overhead costs. Our desire is to build God's kingdom; not our own. We simply want to provide a channel for more and more individuals, families and communities to be able to find simple and effective ways to be obedient to the Father’s admonition to care for the millions of vulnerable children worldwide – one orphan at a time.
To participate, you can give a gift online or direct your questions to me via email or phone (703-891-3280). Thank you for your faithful partnership in defending the cause of the fatherless and considering how to be involved in further ways!
In Him,
Jason West, Director of Development