Russia Program

This week three America World families successfully completed their court appointments, two families accept referrals, and two families from Nizhny…

Ukraine Program

America World received initial reports this week based on a meeting that occurred at the SDA that the previously announced…

Agency News

Holiday ClosingsAll America World offices will be closed Monday, December 24th – Tuesday, January 1st in honor of Christmas and…


“Spirit of Adoption” SeminarsThe Public Relations team and Associates are planning for another great seminar season this spring! Watch the…

China Program

DossiersAmerica World’s last date in December to submit a dossier to China will be December 21st . Dossiers must be…

China Special Needs Program

Children from the last group of referrals who are available for review have been added to America World’s website. To…


Travel Group 129b (7 Special Needs families) has been in China for a week and with their children since December…

El Salvador Program

NOTE: All families in the process that have not submitted dossiers and been approved by OPA (Office for Adoptions) must…

Ethiopia Program

Susan Maines, Executive Director of Programs at America World, sent a detailed letter to families last week with an update…

Kazakhstan Program

America World continues to accept applications for the Kazakhstan program.