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Orphan Sunday 2014: What Happened!

From our friends at Christian Alliance for Orphans, below is a recap of just a small portion of the things that took place on Orphan Sunday 2014:

Orphan Sunday 2014 recap

Georgia was among several states with 5K Runs for Orphan Sunday to benefit orphan and adoption ministries.  Leaders across Uganda came together to celebrate Orphan Sunday in more than 1,100 churches. In Ukraine, the President and First Lady presided over a national prayer service for orphans that included heads of the three major branches of the Christian Church.

Guatemala's largest church encouraged all Christians in Guatemala to wash the feet of orphans during November. Thousands of volunteers signed up to do so. Churches across Philippines engaged concerts, prayer gatherings and special events with a surge in participation this year. Latvia's nationally-televised day of prayer included the leaders of the Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox, Methodist, and Pentecostal Churches–all expressing commitment to be God's answer for Latvia's orphans.

In Benin, a simple meal of grain and fish put a smile on the face of many orphaned children. At a local cafe in Massachusetts, all proceeds from breakfast after church services were donated to orphan care. In Russia, a new Orphan Sunday site in Russian enabled many churches to access resources and plan events across that vast nation.

India was home to many special gatherings for Orphan Sunday as community leaders renewed their commitment to addressing the needs of vulnerable children. In Iowa, a Catholic Church held an adoption fair…and children were some of the most impactful volunteers. In South Korea, events focused on the issue of abandonment and what the church can do to address the needs of these infants.

Youth in Mexico came together to spend 30 days praying for orphans alongside projects to aid orphaned children. Green Acres Baptist Church in Texas hosted the reality-TV family 'The Duggars' in their special services for Orphan Sunday. In Zimbabwe, worship and prayer across numerous churches called families to foster and adopt. 

Friends and family who want to advocate for orphans and Be A Storyteller can download America World's new info booklet.  The booklet provides details about adoption and our section called “Adoption & Beyond” which provides opportunities to Be A Storyteller outside of adoption itself.

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