Order a Calendar, Support Orphan’s Ticket Home!
We hope by now that you have received your 2013 calendar, filled with the wonderful pictures of children who have joined their forever family since America World's beginning. The calendar is a testament to God's work among His people to care for the fatherless, which overwhelmes us with thankfulness.
Would you consider helping more children come home to their families? America World has a foundation called Orphan's Ticket Home, which is doing just that. Learn about OTH here. For each $10 donation, we will send you a calendar. Perhaps it can be sent to your family and friends so they can also enjoy the pictures and keep this important mission in mind:
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. -Isaiah 1:17
Use the link above to learn about the work of OTH and to be directed to the donations page. Thank you so much for partnering with us on behalf of the fatherless.