One Year Later, “Aida” Still Waits for a Family
Aida is a sweet 3 ½-year-old girl whose Chinese name means “active and strong.” You may remember a previous advocacy post that we shared here.
Aida has received daily physical therapy and is now able to stand and walk with support!
She enjoys playing with toys and her favorite toy is a rattle-drum.
Her diagnosis as of November 2017 is delayed development, malnutrition, and cerebral palsy, and she has been hospitalized on several occasions due to different infections. She understands and can respond to her care taker’s questions and body language, but she is not currently communicating verbally.
We are hopeful that she will find her forever family who can give her the care, therapies, and love that she needs. Aida’s file is designated by the CCCWA as Special Focus. A family interested in Aida can email for more information.
If you are interested in learning more about Aida or adopting a child from China, please email our China team at or by phone 800-429-3369 for more information.
You can also learn more about adopting from China on our China overview page, and the China adoption requirements page. There are many resources to assist families with the cost of adoption. You can find a list of grant organizations, information on the adoption tax credit and more on our Financing Adoption page.