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Offices Closed Today for “Day of Hope 2014”

Day of Hope 2014

Today is America World’s 'Day of Hope' Phone-A-Thon and our offices are closed.  We are asking all America World families to consider making a one-time or recurring donation to America World Adoption. If you choose to make a year-end donation today your donation with be doubled thanks to a generous dollar for dollar matching grant that we received. You can donate online at .  Please choose General Donation and note Day of Hope in the notes section.  Donations can be made to following initiatives:

China Hosting Program – In the Spring of 2015, we are bringing over 10 older, adoptable children from China. These children will be staying with host families and will get to experience life in the United States for several weeks. The goal for these trips is to advocate for the adoption of these children. This is a great opportunity for these children to find their forever families as over 90% of the kids hosted through Welcoming Angels have been adopted.  It costs approximately $4,000 for one child to participate. A $100 donation will pay for the cost of a child’s passport. A $150 donation will pay for the child’s medical checkup. A $450 donation will pay for the child’s visa, and a $2,200 donation will pay for the child’s airfare. You can support a child by either giving toward their entire trip cost, or by giving toward a portion of the cost.  A donation in any amount would be very appreciated.  Would you be willing to make a year-end tax deductible financial gift to help underwrite this hosting group or to help support a child’s trip?

Ethiopia Transition Home – With help of an artist who adopted through America World, we are creating a mural at the Ethiopian Transition Home to honor the children adopted from that country and their families. Each tile is hand-painted and will include your family’s name, your child’s name, and your child’s adoption date. The tiles will be hung on a wall in the Transition Home by our ACT Missions Teams, creating a beautiful piece of art honoring children who have found their forever families and giving hope to those children still waiting. We are asking for a minimum donation of $100 for a tile, and all proceeds will go toward the Transition Home rent.   In addition, it costs AWAA $74,600 per year to rent the homes and we have the ability to house 100 children. This means that a gift of as little as $746 can put a roof over a child’s head for one year!  We’d really appreciate your help and would love to honor your family in the mural. Would you consider making a financial gift? 

Post Adoption Support – This year, America World launched the Hallie’s Hope Fund, which helps provide critical care and support for children and families experiencing difficulties following their return home. Through this fund, America World works to help strengthen families and ensures the long-term success of adoptive placements.  Would you consider a gift of $200 to help strengthen families after they return home?


Our offices will reopen at 9:00am tomorrow, Thursday, December 11th, 2015. Thank you in advance for your support.

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