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October Prayer Focus

Thank you for your prayers for Abigail during the month of September.  Abigail is still in need of a forever family so please continue to pray that God bring a family forward to review her referral information.  The following children are being adopted or have families pending: Dylan, Liam, Cole, Piper, and Jack! 
The focus of our prayer for the month of October is Connor.  Connor is a healthy 12 ½  year old boy. He is athletic, and enjoys sports, especially soccer. He is helpful around the house by washing bowls, picking vegetables and occasionally helping his caretakers cook. He is an actively involved student; he gets along with his other classmates and is respectful of his teachers. Connor has adapted to school well and has strong communication skills. To view photos and a brief biography of Connor you can go to and request the password from your Family Coordinator.
Please join us in praying for Connor over the month of October.  We trust that our united prayers for him and for families considering reviewing his information will be pleasing and powerful!  Thank you for your commitment to being intercessors on behalf of Connor and all waiting children!


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