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November Uganda Team Update

November Uganda Team Update

Please enjoy a few updates from the Uganda team. They have been busy visiting partnerships, supporting their needs and working in the local school. We are thankful for their willingness to serve in whatever way possible!

November 9:

Today we helped plant elephant grass at the children’s home. This will provide a sustainable feeding area for the cattle they are raising. An impact that will last for some time to come!

November 8:

What a blessing today to visit the ministry of Florence and Godfrey. Not only do they have a small baby home, they support several widows in their area. We drove about 3 hours this morning toward Kenya. We really weren’t all that far from the border. Initially, the babies were scared of us, but a few warmed up to us and we were able to play and interact with them. We had a simple lunch of beef, rice, and beans and then had s time of sweet fellowship with Florence and Godfrey and learned more of their story of how their relationship began and how they started their ministry.

November 7:

How can it be Tuesday already? The time here flies and stands still all at the same time. Yesterday and today we went to the schools that Canaan runs and did a Bible study. Yesterday afternoon, we joined the staff of the home and schools in an encouragement meeting. They gathered around to pray and sing. We joined them to share a little about ourselves and give them a bit of encouragement. There is such a sweet spirit here. This afternoon we got to go to the Sangaalo baby home and hold sweet babies. Sangaalo means joy. The director who runs the home loves babies and loves taking care of them. Several of them are HIV positive. Pray for the ministries here. Pray that God will provide the things the people here need. Pray for strength to carry on because many of the staff have other projects going on such as brick making and raising chickens.

November 5:

This morning we attended Jinja Full Gospel Church. What an experience. The service was in English and Lugandan. The music was incredible. Our group was asked to teach Sunday School to the different ages. I was assigned to teach the youngest children. Our assigned area was under a sweet little tree. The kids were very attentive. The sermon was on giving thanks and had elements of covenant, which went along with the Bible study we did before coming. So cool!


Learn more about upcoming Uganda service and ministry trips here. 


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