Note from CEO
It seems to me that a lot has happened around here since I blogged last. It’s always hard to know where to start and what to include as I blog.
As many of you know, we got China referrals on Friday. It’s always a busy but exciting day when referrals arrive. Congratulations for those of you who received referrals and for those that are waiting, please know we’re praying for you. I hope everyone that’s waiting is aware of our Waiting Children Program – this was something that God used in a great way for our family as we were waiting in the China queue when we were adopting our fourth child.
The fourth summit of the Christian Alliance for Orphans is coming up in the beginning of May. I’ve got high expectations that the many organizations there will continue to find ways to work together to show Christian unity in orphan care. I’ll be meeting with different Christian adoption agencies, including All God’s Children (AGC), to discuss partnership opportunities and ways we can provide adoption services in a cost efficient/effective manner.
Please be in prayer for our program development in Rwanda and elsewhere. I have a meeting scheduled in Rwanda on April 24th – I look forward to reporting back after this meeting.
Finally, we’re in the process of trying to improve our website and your feedback is desired. Would you, please, email and let us know your thoughts (good and bad) about our current website. What do you like? What would you fix/change? What isn’t clear? What would you like added? Let us know – the more input, the better. Thanks!