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New Site. Same Mission.

I am very excited to officially announce on this blog, that this past Tuesday, September 14th, America World officially launched our new website

The platform that this site is now built on will allow for changes and updates to occur with greater ease, in effect, allowing prospective adoptive parents and our families to always find the most helpful information quickly and efficiently.  Don't worry!  Even with the new look and feel, previous links to specific page locations on our website should all still be the same, so you won't have any difficulty finding what you need.

For all of you social networking lovers (I am certainly included in this category), we have also added the ever-increasingly popular “Share” function to the site, so that you can quickly share pages and information with friends and followers through your favorite medium.

There are still some areas on the site that still need minor work so if you run across any bugs or can't seem to find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us imediately at

Over the past several months, as I've compared the old America World website with the new one, it hasn't been the vast differences that have stood out to me the most; but the similarities.  Despite having a brand new website, America World's mission remains strong and intact.  Our goals are the same, our motivation and passion, unchanged.  Truly the Lord has been abundantly kind to America World as we continuely strive toward building Christian families through God's plan of adoption!  New site.  Same mission.  All glory be to God for upholding this agency!

We hope that you enjoy the new site and marvel with us at how incredible our Lord is for bringing families together through the means of adoption!


Jason West, Director of Development/ Marketing Manager


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