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New: Paperless Information Packet

At America World, we want to make it easy for prospective parents to find the information they need at the beginning of an adoption process. There is certainly an overwhelming amount of information to consider! With each adoption program comes a unique set of requirements, costs, children available, travel arrangements, etc. 

In addition to details on all of these categories on our website, we can also send you a free informational packet containing a wealth of resources. Maybe some of you reading this received a packet and it helped you to sort out and visualize the decisions to be made. We have heard from many families whose decision to adopt through America World was greatly influenced by the information packet! 

We are now offering two different formats to receive the packet- through the mail, or a PDF download. While the visual/physical element of the packet is helpful, we know some may prefer to view a paperless version on a computer or mobile device. When requesting a packet at the link below, simply check “PDF Download” and the link will be provided. Because the PDF does not include a few parts of the packet, we encourage you to check out the Stories page and our YouTube channel.

As always, we would love to talk with you about any of our adoption programs. Please call us at (800) 429-3369 with any questions, and may God bless you as you begin your adoption journey.


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