New on the Website: Home Page
This past weekend we rolled out our brand new homepage! We are excited to see some great changes in the format of our website and it is our hope that the new homepage will help you navigate our site with ease. Here are a few pointers about new features or link location changes- see corresponding number below (click image to enlarge):
1 – Scrolling quicklinks- quickly access main sections of the site
2 – Pre-Application- the link to our helpful, free pre-screening tool is now more prominent
3 – Signup for Updates- new to the site, enter your email address and recieve periodic updates from America World
4 – Donation module- you can now donate directly from the homepage to our orphan care initiatives
5 – See the latest headlines and quickly access the blog
6 – Application link. This is also on the left sidebar menu on each program page.
7 – Easy access to make an online payment
8 – New and improved search function
9 – Have something you want to say about AW? Give any kind of praise or feedback (anonymous, if desired) with the new feedback tab