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Fellowship 686: Nashville’s Africa Adoption Fellowship Group

America World started an adoptive families fellowship group in Nashville, TN a year ago for anyone who was or has adopted from Africa. The group has grown to include over 30 families!  The official name for their community group is Fellowship 686 after God's promise in Psalm 68:6 to set the lonely and solitaire in families. You can read more about their fellowship group and the adoptive families in that area on their blogsite.  Fellowship 686 wants to invite any families adopting from Africa in middle TN or Southern KY or anywhere close by them to attend.  Their next meeting is Sunday, April 19th from 3 PM to 5 PM.  It promises to be a great event with precious adopted children from Africa and famiilies abounding!  Even if you are just thinking about adopting from Africa and live in this area, feel free to join them.


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