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Welcoming Angels: Nadiya & Oleksandr


We would like to introduce you to the Ukrainian children that are coming to the United States this summer as part of our Welcoming Angels program! It's exciting to be able to welcome and host these kids- to share culture and experiences, but most of all, share the love of a family with them. Do you have room in your home? Get to know these children:


Nadiya is an eight (almost nine) year old girl who is nice, tender, and outgoing. She communicates well with other children. She enjoys playing with dolls and braiding hair. Nadiya is also very curious and active- she enjoys playing soccer, rollarblading, and bicycling. 


Oleksandr 1

Oleksandr is a seven year old boy. He likes sports and is very active, especially with riding a bicycle. He also likes computers!

Oleksandr 2

We will be introducing you to more children later this week. Would you pray about this opportunity to host an orphan in your home? 

To learn more about hosting, please visit our Hosting website where you will find all the information you need. You are also welcome to contact Rob Henneberg, Hosting Director, with any questions. 


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