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More Urgent Needs: Please Help Paul & Asher

Paul and Asher 2015

Two days ago we asked you to advocate for seven children.  Their files need to be returned to China on Saturday unless families adopt them (see related article below).  Please continue to pray for and advocate for them!

Today, we have 2 more who have been on our Waiting Child pages for quite awhile with no inquiries.  Asher and Paul's files need to be returned to China a week from tomorrow (January 23rd) unless families step forward to adopt them.

Even if you are not able to adopt, sharing the information below can make a huge difference for Asher, Paul and the other seven. Please share on your social media and email to your friends, family and church.  We would love to see each of these placed into a forever family.

From our Waiting Child pages you can login to view individual child profiles, or request a password to receive one within seconds via email.  Contact our China staff for more information at 800-429-3369, or APPLY HERE.  Each of these children are designated by the CCCWA as Special Focus, which means any family at any stage of the process can review their files.

#BeAStoryteller for these Waiting Children!

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